Grey Star

Careers Fair to Apprenticeship

We have such fantastic news and a great example of the value of careers fairs.

Abbie was unsure what she wanted to do and what options were open to her. After a chat with ourselves and receiving a much better insight into Apprenticeships, she was offered an interview with us in a Business Administration role.

Needless to say, she blew away the Host employer and was offered the Apprenticeship through TAW at The Logistics Centre in Wednesbury.

Abbie's story shows not only the value of careers fairs, but also how taking a few hours out of your day to attend could result in a positive change in your life.

We asked Abbie some questions to see how she is finding her apprenticeship:

What are you most proud of so far (achievements/praise etc)?

I am most proud of my development as I started this apprenticeship knowing nothing and I have learn so much in such a short period of time.

Tell us what you think of BCTG and the experience you have had with us i.e support etc?

I really liked my experience with the BCTG company as I got my apprenticeship in under a week which was very shocking, I started the week after and the staff treat you so nicely.

Would you recommend this to someone else, if so why?

I would recommend an apprenticeship to a lot of people as your not only learning on the job but your also getting the atmosphere ready for the future, your also earning money.

What are your future goals?

My future goals are to keep doing what I am doing at the moment as I feel like it is such a good job which will help me in the future.
