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Group Safeguarding Policy

Group Policy

The following statement outlines the organisational policy across The BCTG Group. This includes BCTG Limited, PTP Training and Eurosource Solutions. It is also the policy adopted by Group Partner companies, Further Training and The Apprenticeship Works. From this, each individual business develops their own specific procedures to implement this policy.

Policy Aim

The aim of BCTG Group is to protect learners and staff, including those in provision delivered by partners, from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and bullying and from dangers such as radicalisation and terrorism as identified under Prevent.

Legislation and Guidance Underpinning this Policy

  • Equality Act 2010
  • Keeping Children safe in Education (2021)
  • Working together to Safeguard Children (2018 and its subsequent revisions)
  • Children and Families Act (2014)
  • Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment in Education (2012)
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable groups Act (2006 changes updated Sept 2021)
  • Protection of Freedoms Act (2012)
  • Sexual Offences Act (2003)
  • Ofsted’s safeguarding guidance for inspectors (2019)
  • Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings and addendum 2020
  • The Prevent Duty (2015 with updates 2021)

Principles Underpinning the Policy

The Group confirms its commitment to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its learners irrespective, under the Prevent duty, of the age of our learners.

BCTG is committed to the Safe Learner concept which will ensure that all learners gain an understanding of the importance of health, safety, safeguarding and personal welfare, develop a responsible attitude to risk and adopt safe behaviours.

Related Policies and Documentation

Health and safety policy

Equality and diversity policy, including anti-racism and anti-homophobia

Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace Policy, including cyber-bullying
Company Social Networking Policy Statement
Whistle-blowing policy/procedure
Programme of induction and training for staff
Staff Code of Conduct

Data protection policy

Designated Safeguarding Lead – job description

Records of training and updates for staff and board members

Guidance to employers

Safe recruitment procedures

Advisory board reports

Prevent referral process

Extracts from the “Prevent Duty Guidance: for Further Education institutions in England and Wales”


Strategic Implementation

All BCTG Group companies and formal partners are required to co-operate, conform and comply with the requirements of this policy.

This policy will be promoted on BCTG’s website, through learner and staff induction, subsequent training, and through communications such as emails and the issuing of briefings to ensure that the commitment to our policy is reinforced and remains.

We will ensure our learners are safeguarded by: -

  • Appointing a Designated Safeguarding Lead supported by suitably trained staff
  • Ensuring that staff have read and understand Part One and Annex A of Keeping Children Safe in Education
  • Providing staff, partners and sub-contractors with guidance on procedures they should adopt to minimise the risk of harm to learners and, in the event that they suspect a learner may be experiencing or be at risk of harm, to offer guidance on appropriate action
  • Ensuring that training for staff, volunteers and freelancers helps learners to understand how to keep themselves safe from the wide range of harm to which they may be subject
  • Ensuring that staff recognise, and can respond appropriately, where abuse is suspected
  • Raising awareness that learners can be at risk in a range of environments
  • Being aware of the high risk of CSE within the communities in which we work and beyond, and we will work closely with local safeguarding partners and statutory agencies to understand the local issues underlying CSE and will inform our partners appropriately on risks posed
  • Publishing to staff, associates and volunteers a Staff Code of Conduct.
  • Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents, carers and learners appropriately.
  • Ensuring that the Disclosure and Barring Service, in accordance with their guidelines, checks all staff and freelancers with responsibility for children and where necessary those deemed “at risk”
  • Making all new staff and freelancers aware of our child protection procedures and policies through effective induction and on-going reinforcement training.
  • Reviewing our policy and good practice at regular intervals
  • Recruiting staff safely through an effective staff recruitment process
  • Ensuring through Contract Review providers’ continuing compliance with legislative requirements, this policy and their Prevent duty

Responsibilities under the Prevent Duty

BCTG Group staff training is designed to ensure that staff understand their responsibilities under Prevent which covers

  • Responding to the ideological challenges of terrorism and the threat learners and staff face from those who promote it
  • Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism and ensuring that they are given appropriate advice and support
  • Working with various sectors and organisations where there are risks of radicalisation that needs to be addressed.

BCTG Group ensures that training for staff and learners is effective by

  • Delivering training to learners and staff so that they understand the nature of the threat from violent extremism
  • Teaching and learning strategies which explore controversial issues in a way which promotes critical analysis
  • Responding appropriately to events in local, national or international news that may impact on learners and communities
  • Ensuring measures are in place to minimise the potential for acts of violent extremism
  • Ensuring plans are in place to respond appropriately to a threats or incidents relating to extremism
  • Clear ICT and e-safety policies

Policy Outcomes

All staff and learners will enjoy a safe and welcoming environment in which they are respected equally. Staff and learners will be alert to the constantly emerging dangers in the environments in which they live and work.  These dangers currently include radicalisation (which may ultimately result in terrorism), grooming, drug-related abuse including County Lines, trolling, revenge porn and financial exploitation.

Policy review This policy will be reviewed annually by The Group Governing Body.